Community Action Programme (CAP)
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, The Foundation has found itself in uncharted territory like millions of organisations and people across the world. Very early on we called together our staff, alumni and volunteers to discuss what we could do to help. Amongst several ongoing initiatives the Community Action Programme (CAP) has by far challenged us the most. Since its inception we knew that we were in unfamiliar territory and that as an organisation we would have to be committed to doing things that were not our core competency nor really the role we had ever envisaged. However desperate times called for us to engage and leverage our global alumni and volunteer network to see if we could plug gaps in a modest capacity.
We are indebted to our donors as well as to our family of alumni and volunteers. From the strategic thinking and thought leadership of the core response team to medical alumni who have coordinated our efforts with medical institutions to those volunteers who have packed and hand delivered vital PPE, we say a big Thank You.
As COVID-19 has spread all over the world, The United Kingdom is one of those countries that have been particularly hit hard. Since the crisis started, there has been a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) across the country. As part of its Community Action Programme (CAP), Sinan Wren Foundation has been trying hard to source as much PPE as it can. Since the beginning of the outbreak, Sinan Wren UK has sourced and distributed free of charge thousands of N95 FFP2 Face Masks, visors, coveralls, bottles of hand sanitisers and body bags to front line NHS healthcare staff, Metropolitan police officers, care homes, Council front line workers, homeless projects and burial staff.
The distribution and logistics teams have donated these items across the UK including the north, midlands and London where the clusters of outbreak of Covid-19 have been particularly overwhelming.
The CAP continues to support our diverse communities across the UK with two more shipments expected in the coming weeks.
This important, unique and unprecedented work could not have been done without the help and teamwork of The Foundation’s donors, volunteers, alumni and partners. This programme personifies the values of the Foundation and continues to demonstrate our mission of innovation, inspiration and identity.

The Homerton Hospital

The Royal London Hospital

The Whittington Hospital

Distributing Thousands of Bottles of Hand Sanitiser to Our Front Line Heroes
The Foundation has sourced and is donating thousands of bottles of hand sanitiser gels to front line NHS healthcare staff including critical care doctors and nurses as well as second line GPs. The distribution of hand gels also includes front line Metropolitan Police officers, front line Council Workers and the Homeless
Distributing Thousands of PPE to NHS Trusts and Care Homes
The Foundation has procured directly from China over 5000 N95 FFP2 masks and over 2000 visors and coveralls for free distribution to NHS front line staff, care homes and burial staff across Britain.

Distributing Hundreds of Body Bags to NHS Hospitals
The Foundation’s volunteers and alumni took delivery of 1000 body bags for free distribution to NHS hospitals and those providing pro-bono Burial services across Britain